The influence of European Competition Law is global, and Competition Law and Regulation of Technology Markets takes a practical, integrated approach to competition law, which is becoming increasingly prominent in the technology sector in Europe - as demonstrated by a number of high profile cases such as Microsoft, and Intel.
The book focuses on the information, communication and media markets that form the 'new economy'. It provides a coherent analysis of these various markets by consiering the regulatory context, and by addressing the issues, and ensuing legal problems, that are common to them. These clude; hih fixed costs, the importance of intellectual property and standards, the impact of interoperability, and the prevalence of network effects.
The book considers how EU competition rules interact with regulation, intellectual property law and data protection rules, and goes on to analyze the application of competition rules in four fields; communications networks, industrial intellectual property, creative intellectual property, and electronic commerce and services.. The book charts a clear path through this complex interaction of rules, and provides the competition law practitioner with the necessary tools to advise on legal problems in these sectors.

Maurits Dolmans
This is a thorough and thoughtful review by someone who is extremely well informed and an excellent exposition and analysis of the issues and challenges facing the IT sector. I will have this book on my desk at all times, and it is a "must have" for all ICT lawyers.

Thomas Vinje
Apart from its substantive depth, this book benefits from a fluent writing style: for a book on the law, its a real page-turner. For someone interested in the topic of technology markets and competition law, this book is no remedy for sleeplessness. It races through the key topics in a rather exciting way, without sacrificing substance. Not an easy feat.